Do you love rare plants?  Is growing a Tibetan blue poppy from seed successfully in your garden, watering it daily with iced water till you see its stunning flower emerge and you can post pictures boasting of your success something that gets your heart pumping?

You’re not alone and at Eden we hope to inspire you to plant a few things in your garden that will make it unique.  A walk through the gardens in Macquarie Park and you’ll discover many unusual treasures that our gardeners have cultivated over the years, and our collection is always growing and changing. 

In the perennial garden, which runs alongside the arbours, there is a Canary Island Foxglove (Isoplexis canariensis), which is endangered in the wild, but seems to be growing well here and has a stunning apricot coloured spear of flowers in summer and autumn.   There is also the False Red Agave (Beschorneria spp.) which gets 2 metre high flower spikes in glossy red, the remains of which you can just see.  The succulent rosettes look like a spineless agave and it’s perfect for dry shade, like under the olive trees where it’s growing here. 

Nowhere near as finicky as the blue poppy is the Plume Poppy (Macleaya cordata), which is also a striking architectural plant with olive grey green lacy foliage and buff white flowers...they are well worth discovering yourself.  The most striking flower is the Natal Flame Tree (Alberta magna) which is growing near the bamboo garden.  It’s a small shrub with glossy leaves and glowing flowers that seriously look like fireballs in the tree.  The Australian Native Firewheel Tree  (Stenocarpus sinuatus) is, of course, flowering now but grows to be a 8m specimen.  This is the perfect backyard replacement, growing only a few metres tall.

Take the time to discover what’s in the “Rare and Unusual” section of the garden centre too.  You might find what you have been looking for for ages, or find something you didn’t know you had to have!

We have great range of rare and unusual plants available in our stores with different ranges available depending on the state and location. Some of our collection available for purchase include